The Stray
The lights are dim, the streets dark and empty. Innumerable scratch marks dent the walls, and a pair of glowing eyes stares through the haze.
He's been expecting you.
"Listen. The fact that you're here proves you didn't stumble in on a whim. You smelt the iron in the air. I s'pose ya got questions..."
Original Final Fantasy XIV Character
Mature Themes
Name: Jackal Umbra, no known original name.
Known Aliases: The Stray, The Jackal
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Canis Lupus (Blood of the Wolf). Appears Seeker Miqo'te.
Physical Traits: Fangs, retractable claws. Vertical slitted eyes. Long, slender tongue, thin rough texture. Longer, bushier tail. Furrier ears.
Occupation: Mercenary.
Clan: Jackal tribe outcast.
Orientation: Straight.
Extra: Entire lower jaw and bottom teeth replaced with a metal substitute.
Proficiencies: Dark Warrior, Dark Knight. Any axe, greatsword, or gunblade you put in his hands, he can wield to brutal efficiency.
"Listen, I won't make anything sweeter than it is. You come to me, you already knew you were out of other options. Maybe you just prefer the way I do things. Make no mistake: you've got dirt on you, now. They call me Γlfur. The Jackal. I'm the scavenger, see. The stray. I got dirt on everyone. And I pick up the scum that everyone else doesn't wanna deal with. Murder, trafficking, anything the guys up top throw down, I pick up the bones. Put coin in my hand and you got a deal. Got it? I get my paws bloody, you don't have to. Listen, I ain't a liar, less I'm paid for that. Things'll get messy. So, we got a deal?"
"Knew you'd come around. What's the job?"
"Inquisitive sort, aren't you? You see the differences now, yeah. I'm a wolf. Might say I'm special, I prefer cursed. If dragged my tongue out you'd see the brand there, which I'm sure isn't that pleasant. Born to J tribe Seekers, see. When I was about ten summers they found the damn thing, and after some few times of trying to cut the thing off, they stopped when it kept growing back. My own mother, no less. She was the matriarch back then. Beat me half to death, starved me, didn't let me see the sun for some months, until they grew tired of keeping me alive and tossed me out into the desert. Didn't have a father. I was born of the moon. They said that was bad omens, covered it up. Some sort of sickness I'd spread to the tribe. Bullshit, you ask me. But by the dirty hands of whatever saw fit to throw me into the world, I've lived through pure spite. Always felt like I've been running from something, all my life. Reason why I never settle anywhere."
"Found myself in Limsa as a stowaway aboard a merchant vessel. Stole some food, some coin, got caught, thrown in with the marauders. Guy's gotta learn how to split skulls, yeah? Started taking out my anger on pirates, the like. Day came when I caved a Yellowjacket's head in, I was thrown away like the stray that I am. So I went to Ishgard. Listen, I ain't tryna bore ya. I learnt a few things. Got a taste for blood. Now I can swing slabs of metal around like it's nothin'. So I let my work speak for itself, became a merc. Few 'ventures in between. The jaw? Yeah, that was one of 'em. Doing some Guild work, see, got taken by some Empire sorts, cut me up, a rogue one patched me back up. So you could say I'm extra fucked-up. Jaw's metal, so's the fangs there. Don't punch there, you'll break your damn hand. Yeah, you can touch it. I digress. I'm scum, a ruffian, a rogue, a lowlife, I kill for a living and I'm fuckin good at it. One day I'd like to know what my name was before I got thrown away."
"Always been searching for something, or someone, as early as I can remember. Can't ever figure out what it could be..."
"Right, that's about enough. Any questions?"
Personality: Reckless, violent, foul-mouthed, hateful, though reserved, generally quiet. Stubborn, brutal. Blunt, honest. At his best - loyal, determined, protective. Flaring temper.
Attributes: Wielder of the Inner Beast and Darkside. Tumultuous control at best, loses free will in heavy combat. Frequent cleaner of blood off armour. Spends his gil more on new and upkeep of equipment and weapons than on basic necessities.
General: Enhanced feline and wolfish traits and senses, including acute hearing and sight, night vision, enhanced speed and agility, and increased general strength, at the cost of an increased penchant for savagery. Slightly heightened attraction.
Has no real home, and wanders from city to city and in between, looking for new work. Sleeps on rooftops and in backstreets. Has dirt on just about everyone. Horrible diet. Despises alcohol. No known family.
I'm the one who writes Jackal. Please bear in mind that a character's actions are not mine, and doesn't mean I condone anything said or done. It's RP. I write darker and mature themes, so I'd prefer 18+ partners. If you have any questions or would like to set something up, feel free to contact me on discord at π₯πΆπΈππΆπ#1671.
Thanks for reading.